Flor rug tiles modular carpet squares in dining room on Thou Swell #diningroom #rugtiles #flor #interiordesign #homedesign #homedecor #carpettiles(Roadside Attraction in Haze)

I’ve been a fan of FLOR for many years (you can see their rug squares in my old old old bedroom here), but when I opened their most recent catalog I was so impressed by the new designs I saw! If you’re unfamiliar with the company, FLOR’s signature product is rug squares that allow you to create custom sizes, shapes, and patterns with tiles that stick to your floor. They don’t need a rug pad, can be easily swapped out, and let you customize your design in endless ways. Their products are also sustainably manufactured, free of harmful chemicals, and low on VOCs, making them a super safe choice for your home. Check out my favorite designs below – the room styling is spot-on!

Flor rug tiles modular carpet squares in butler's pantry hallway on Thou Swell #butlerspantry #pantry #cabinetry #rugtiles #flor #interiordesign #homedesign #homedecor #carpettiles(Mined and Yours in Pigeon)

Flor rug tiles modular carpet squares in home office with pink door and gold desk on Thou Swell #office #homeoffice #sheshed #girlboss #rugtiles #flor #interiordesign #homedesign #homedecor #carpettiles(Finer Things in Cream)

Flor rug tiles modular carpet squares in master bedroom design on Thou Swell #bedroom #masterbedroom #bedroomdesign #rugtiles #flor #interiordesign #homedesign #homedecor #carpettiles(Anthracite in Cream/Gold)

Flor rug tiles modular carpet squares in home office dark moody study with blue walls on Thou Swell #homeoffice #study #studydesign #officedesign #rugtiles #flor #interiordesign #homedesign #homedecor #carpettiles(Hello Dottie in Black)

Antelope pattern Flor rug tiles modular carpet squares in dining room on Thou Swell #diningroom #anteloperug #diningroomdesign #rugtiles #flor #interiordesign #homedesign #homedecor #carpettiles(Doe Re Mi in Pebble)

Flor rug tiles modular carpet squares in modern living room on Thou Swell #livingroom #moderndesign #contemporary #livingroomdesign #rugtiles #flor #interiordesign #homedesign #homedecor #carpettiles(Double Dutch in White)

Flor rug tiles modular carpet squares with traditional rug design pattern on Thou Swell #rugtiles #flor #interiordesign #homedesign #homedecor #carpettiles(La Di Da in Pearl)

FLOR is really stepping up their style with these chic new designs and sleek product styling. I’m dying to find a place to use that antelope pattern – it’s so classic!

Kevin O'Gara signature on Thou Swell

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